- Daca eram un anotimp, eram vara logic.
- Daca eram o luna, eram august.
- Daca eram o zi a saptamanii, eram sambata.
- Daca eram un animal marin eram un delfin.
- Daca eram un animal de uscat, eram o zebra.
- Daca eram o virtute eram dreptatea.
- Daca eram o planeta eram Venus.
- Daca eram un lichid, eram apa.
- Daca eram o piatra, eram topazul.
- Daca eram un metal, eram argint.
- Daca eram o pasare eram un papagal.
- Daca eram o planta, eram un trandafir.
- Daca eram o stare a vremii, eram o furtuna.
- Daca eram un sunet, eram clinchetul unei pasari intr'o dimineata de vara.
- Daca eram un cantec, eram Our song- Taylor Swift.
- Daca eram un film, eram Wild Child.
- Daca eram un serial, eram 90210 sau Lost.
- Daca eram un oras, eram New York.
- Daca eram un gust, eram dulce.
- Daca eram o aroma, eram menta.
- Daca eram o culoare, eram mov sau albastru.
- Daca eram un material, eram taft.
- Daca eram o parte a corpului, eram capul.
- Daca eram un drog, eram cocaina.
- Daca eram un accesoriu, eram o bratara.
- Daca eram o expresie a fetei, eram zambetul.
- Daca eram o materie, eram geografia.
- Daca eram un personaj de desene animate, eram Jerry.
- Daca eram o forma, eram un cerc.
- Daca eram un numar, eram 100.
- Daca eram o masina,eram un 2006 Pontiac Solstice.
- Daca eram o haina, eram o pereche de pantaloni scurti.
luni, 14 iunie 2010
Am primit si eu leapsa ...si o dau cui vrea sa o ia :).
Ok so here we go...
sâmbătă, 12 iunie 2010
Cele 10 gaoaze
- Gaoaza numarul 1 : Sunt o gaozara pentru ca tot timpul cand plec de acasa spun ca imi fac patul cand ma intorc.
- Fac slalom printre masini pe strada ca sa scap de cainii vagabonzi.
- Nu pot sa adorm inainte de ore 2 dimineata.
- Mi-au intrat in vocabular cuvintele "lame" si "loser" si nu pot sa le scot de acolo.
- Am facut obsesie pentru melodia lui Lady Gaga - Alejandro si pentru ABT-What about us.
- Din an in Paste mai ascult RBD ca sa imi aduc aminte de vremurile cand aveam 10-11 ani. Lame,I know dar imi face bine.
- Aseara am vrut sa ma uit la My sister's keeper si nu mi-am facut timp sa ma uit.
- Ma apuca melancolia in cele mai nepotrivite momente.
- Nu am apucat sa termin Casa de la rascruce de John Saul desi m-am apucat de ea de ceva vreme.
- Nu stiu ce sa fac azi.
joi, 3 iunie 2010
- Azi am chef sa scriu ceva pe blog.Si nu stiu ce.
- Saptamana trecuta am fost la o petrecere in pijama.Si a fost al naibii de frumos.Ce poate fi mai placut decat sa stai la 6 dimineata cu prietenii pe balcon si sa spui masinilor si oamenilor care trec merhaba (salut pe turca)?Mda probabil ca oamenii care treceau pe acolo au crezut ca suntem niste dereglati mintal , dar cui ii pasa?
Mda,probabil ca ar trebui sa termin cu aberatu.
- O sa inchei cu niste bancuri seci pe care mi le'a spus cineva.
vineri, 14 mai 2010
Something made for fun
Hey dragilor ? >:D<...Ce mai faceti? Vreau sa va anunt ca si eu si Alle am trecut cu bine de examene din fericire :D.So we've got an idea.Ne-am gandit sa facem ceva for fun pe blog...se numeste "Do you know the lyrics?". O sa punem 10 "intrebari",o sa punem primele cuvinte dintr'un vers al unui cantec si voi trebuie sa completati versul.
1) "Yeah, when my world is falling apart______________"
a)When the waves are flooding the shore
b)baby you're all that i want
c)When there's no light to break up the dark
Ce trebuie sa faceti? Simplu.Lasati un comment cu raspunsurile voastre. Exemplu. 1) - a) 2) - c) 3) - a) etc... O sa punem in fiecare saptamana cate un quiz format din 10 intrebari.Fiecare serie de quiz'uri va dura o luna , asta insemnand 4 quiz'uri.Cel care are cele mai multe raspunsuri corecte de la toate cele 4 quiz'uri va fi desemnat castigator al acelei serii.Nu este un concurs cu premii reale avand in vedere ca este ceva "only for fun".Castigatorul va primi o diploma facuta de mine si de Alle si o va putea admira pe blogul nostru timp de o luna.Apoi vom afisa diploma urmatorului castigator si tot asa..So hai sa vedem cine stie cele mai multe versuri:)...
Primul quiz:
1)“People try to tell me but I still refuse to listen_____________”
a)cause they don’t know you
b)I feel so much better
c)Cuz they don't get to spend time with you you you
2)"I want the money, Money and the cars__________"
a) hip hop is like school yeah I had to learn it
b) cars and the clothes, the hoes
c) i just wanna be successful, I jsut wanna be
3)"You gotta be feeling crazy how can U walk away, everything stays the same I just can`t do it baby____________"
a) Girl, I told you what it is and it just ain`t like that
b) what will it take to make you come back?
c)baby, I will wait for you If you think I`m fine it just ain`t true
4)"Even though it seems your far away________"
a)I'm missing you more everyday
b) and I was like baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby
c) where`s the peace of my mind d) where are you in mi life where`s the song in my heart 5)„Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do__________________”
a)I thought you'd never come this far
b)Look how you get me higher
c)But when I become a star we'll be living so large I'll do anything for you
6)" And what`s even worse? that we don`t even remember why we`re fighting so both of us are mad for_________"
a)nothing, whoa but we won`t let it go for
b)nothing, fighting for nothin`, crying for nothin` whoa
c) oh baby, I know sometimes it`s gonna rain but baby, can we make up now?
7)” I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car_________”
a)He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel ,the other on my heart
b) I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
c) That face of an angel comes out
8) „When my time comes ,forget the wrong that I’ve done____"
a)Keep me in your memory
b)I wanna fly,I wanna drive,I wanna go
c)Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
9)"I never thought that it be easy Cause we both so distance now And the walls are closing in on us And we're wondering how____________"
a)And you can see the look on my face It just tells me apart
b) No one has a solid answer But just walking in the dark
c)So its up to to you and its up to me
That we meet in our middle way
On our way back down to earth
10) "You're a class of your own and Ooh little cutie, when you talk to me_________"
a)I don't want nobody else
Without you there's noone left, and You're like Jordans on Saturday
b)I feel like flying
c)I swear the whole world stops
So this is it:D...
P.S : Vom pune cate un quiz in fiecare vineri. Acest quiz ramane valabil pana vinerea viitoare 21.Mai.2010 ora 18:00.Atunci il vom pune pe urmatorul.
1) "Yeah, when my world is falling apart______________"
a)When the waves are flooding the shore
b)baby you're all that i want
c)When there's no light to break up the dark
Ce trebuie sa faceti? Simplu.Lasati un comment cu raspunsurile voastre. Exemplu. 1) - a) 2) - c) 3) - a) etc... O sa punem in fiecare saptamana cate un quiz format din 10 intrebari.Fiecare serie de quiz'uri va dura o luna , asta insemnand 4 quiz'uri.Cel care are cele mai multe raspunsuri corecte de la toate cele 4 quiz'uri va fi desemnat castigator al acelei serii.Nu este un concurs cu premii reale avand in vedere ca este ceva "only for fun".Castigatorul va primi o diploma facuta de mine si de Alle si o va putea admira pe blogul nostru timp de o luna.Apoi vom afisa diploma urmatorului castigator si tot asa..So hai sa vedem cine stie cele mai multe versuri:)...
Primul quiz:
1)“People try to tell me but I still refuse to listen_____________”
a)cause they don’t know you
b)I feel so much better
c)Cuz they don't get to spend time with you you you
2)"I want the money, Money and the cars__________"
a) hip hop is like school yeah I had to learn it
b) cars and the clothes, the hoes
c) i just wanna be successful, I jsut wanna be
3)"You gotta be feeling crazy how can U walk away, everything stays the same I just can`t do it baby____________"
a) Girl, I told you what it is and it just ain`t like that
b) what will it take to make you come back?
c)baby, I will wait for you If you think I`m fine it just ain`t true
4)"Even though it seems your far away________"
a)I'm missing you more everyday
b) and I was like baby, baby, baby oh like baby, baby, baby
c) where`s the peace of my mind d) where are you in mi life where`s the song in my heart 5)„Cause when the roof cave in and the truth came out I just didn't know what to do__________________”
a)I thought you'd never come this far
b)Look how you get me higher
c)But when I become a star we'll be living so large I'll do anything for you
6)" And what`s even worse? that we don`t even remember why we`re fighting so both of us are mad for_________"
a)nothing, whoa but we won`t let it go for
b)nothing, fighting for nothin`, crying for nothin` whoa
c) oh baby, I know sometimes it`s gonna rain but baby, can we make up now?
7)” I was riding shotgun with my hair undone in the front seat of his car_________”
a)He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel ,the other on my heart
b) I closed my eyes and the flashback starts
c) That face of an angel comes out
8) „When my time comes ,forget the wrong that I’ve done____"
a)Keep me in your memory
b)I wanna fly,I wanna drive,I wanna go
c)Help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
9)"I never thought that it be easy Cause we both so distance now And the walls are closing in on us And we're wondering how____________"
a)And you can see the look on my face It just tells me apart
b) No one has a solid answer But just walking in the dark
c)So its up to to you and its up to me
That we meet in our middle way
On our way back down to earth
10) "You're a class of your own and Ooh little cutie, when you talk to me_________"
a)I don't want nobody else
Without you there's noone left, and You're like Jordans on Saturday
b)I feel like flying
c)I swear the whole world stops
So this is it:D...
P.S : Vom pune cate un quiz in fiecare vineri. Acest quiz ramane valabil pana vinerea viitoare 21.Mai.2010 ora 18:00.Atunci il vom pune pe urmatorul.
luni, 3 mai 2010
Romania? Sau tara lui nimanui?
Romania? Sau tara lui nimanui? Asta ma intreb zilnic cand ma plimb prin oras si strazile arata asa:
Nu strazile sunt neaparat problema tari ci felul in care oameni se comporta. Noroc ca da Domnul ploaie ca altfel nu am mai avea pe unde sa calcam de gume de mestecat, coji de seminte si scuipat. Majoritatea oamenilor de aici si ma refer la 50-75% din populatie sunt prost crescuti. Uite cosul de gunoi la 2 m in fata iar ei in loc sa tina ambalajul in mana pana la cos il arunca pe jos. Sambata eram cu o prietena la Gradina Morii in oras, langa raul Iza. Am mancat vata de zahar si am mers sa ne clatim mainile. Cand ajungem acolo o aud pe prietena mea ca striga: "Alle!!! fugi!! Ii ceva cadavru acolo!! aaa!! si incepem sa fugim dupa care ne intoarcem sa vedem ce a fost. Era un pui de cal. Bietul animal era abandonat mort pe malul raului. Am facut si poze dar sunt prea socante deci nu el voi posta. Pe langa toate ii auzi pe "Smecheri" cum se plimba tantos pe strada in haine D&C si Vucci cu manelele date la maxim. Doamne Ajuta pt ce s`au inventat castile? Daca tot ai bani de telefoane poleite cu aur ai bani si de casti. Degeaba, romania cred ca, cu cat sunt mai prosti si mai necivilizati sunt mai interesanti.
Something about... US!!
Dupa cum ati observat am cam schimbat blgul. Si prin schimbat ma refer la schimbat tema blogului (: A fost ideea lui Roxx[ so don`t blame me ] =)) no I`m just kidding :) Deci Roxx va bagat direct in actiune fara sa zica ca am schimbat tema:) asa ca zic eu acuma :) So sper sa nu va suparati si sa va placa (:
sâmbătă, 1 mai 2010
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